Thursday, February 7, 2008


After staying for almost 2 weeks at the friends' house, (Thanks! Chad and Grace~)I finally had enough of consiousness to leave the house around 1 pm and get on the road.

As usual I've been thinking to get on the limousine airport bus (a comfortable ride), but then realized that this is actually the beginning of our travel without any income forseeable for this year, so, I've decided to get on the subway and go to the airport. The bags start feeling kind of heavy after 15 minutes carrying. But I'm glad they do, as I'm guessing they will serve as a substitute for my workout. Now 1 hour and a half later I made it here. And saved about $5, which is not much you might think, but on this journey it might mean a good meal for us somewhere on the beach....
Right in the subway station at the Incheon airport there's the Samsung lounge, which provides you with the free internet, fax service, all kinds of battery charge. Since I was the only one in it, the girls were kind enough to offer me a cup of tea. Which I gladly accepted. I'm seeing myself from now on accepting anything free that is out there for grabs and not be ashamed of it. ha~
I feel so at home being like this.. oh.. freedom and hapiness.. If anyone from my work reads that, don't be over jealous. Life is tough... hahaha~ (for you!)

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