Monday, April 21, 2008


We've been in Luang Prabang, which is for your information is the ancient capital of Laos and the Unesco World Heritage site, now for three days. And we like it a lot. Because of the French colonialism in the first half of 20th century all signs and menus and building names here are in French. For such a tiny town of about 30,000 people it is a very lovely place. No hastles and bustles like everywhere in Thailand. We rented bycicles this time, and did some cruising around town.
Katy did today a day of weaving class. She made a little silk scarf and died some threads with the natural dies. She will probably want to write about it herself, so, I'll stop here. I didn't participate in the class. Weaving is not for men.. hahaha~ No... I just thought it was a bit expensive for me to do it, because I'm not that interested, but Katy loved it. And she learned something about the business of making stuff from silk. So, my day was very lazy. I slept in in the morning a little bit, and then went to the internet cafe. Finally, I found one that had Macs. So, I could back up all our pictures and videos on my ipod. After that I joined for lunch at the weaving school and then slept most of the afternoon on the sofa overlooking the Mekong river. The view is really beautiful. Only if it wasn't that hot... But I still managed to get a good amount of sleep, despite of the housewarming party next door, where they played music and sang loudly. I guess some of them like one particular song, so they kept playing it over and over again. And I was quite sick of it.
Every morning here something wakes us up quite early. After the first night early in the morning it started pooring like crazy, with the thunderstorm and ligthning. The amount of water falling was incredible. Even though I didn't get up and looked out, the sound was deafening. The second night early in the morning two freaking cats started fighting. And you know how nasty and loud the sound is.
Tomorrow morning we have to get up quite early as well because we're going on the jungle trekking again. For 3 days. We're going up north on the newly discovered path. We were told that the scenery along this trail is amazingly beautiful and not touristy at all. It will be only three of us, excluding the guide as well. Us two and one German girl, who was with us on the slow boat and apparently she wanted to go trekking and couldn't find companions. So, when she saw us in the shop signing up, she asked what we were signing up for and she joined us as well. We were happy to have her as well, because it is cheaper and will be more interesting than just the two of us. She also speaks some Russian (learned in school).
Traveling through Asia you often bump into people you met in a diffirent country. And it's very nice, especially if people you meet again are the ones you actually liked. So we did in Luang Prabang. We ran into the Swiss French speaking couple, who we went on a trekking in Thailand with. Really nice people, unfortunately, they didn't speak much of English, so, we couldn't have a good conversation, but it was still interesting to talk to them. Katy would understand some things they were saying in French sometimes. They had really hard time in Thailand, because everyone spoke English, but they are much happier in Laos, because they can read everything and the older generation also speaks French, I think...
Anyways, look forward to more pictures from jungles in Laos. We will be visiting Kamuh and Hmong tribes villages deep in the mountains, where they have no electricity no nothing.

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