The photos below are posted without any consideration of the occurence order. I tried to put them in order as I took them but it was really hard to do, so I just gave up..

For those who didn't know, yesterday (Feb.14th) I got my first tattoo in a modern native maori design. We did this in Rotorua in the shop called Globus. The Globus is run by the cool couple Kelly and Elton. These guys travelled and lived in many countries and have been the proud owners of their shop in the central Rotorua for over 6 years. Elton free drawed the ornament on my shoulder and upper arm taking a few glances in between on the copy of the ornament that I actually liked. So, the kind of design I have is one and only in the world, made especially for me. haha~~ For those interested, I wouldn't say that the process itself is painless, because there're needles involved without any anestesia, so, figure on your own. But it's quite bearable, I must say. Even Katy's mom wanted to have one, she said, but she chickened out at the last moment. While we were choosing and looking at the designs, all sorts of people were coming in and making appointments. Older, younger, hippy looking and guys almost wearing suits. You would never ever see this kind of diverse crowd in Korea. Here everyone does think it is a kind of art.

Now all done we're just having last bits of fun together before I go and pay... Katy's mom said that "these things are addictive", and while by the time Elton was done with shadowing the last bits of my tattoo, I was really glad it was over (it took about 2 hours), looking in the mirror later, I did thought, hmm... now my left arm looks kind of bare... So, maybe I should get an arm band on my left arm.. haha~~

This picture was taken on the way from Rotorua to Wellington by bus, which we took today. Now we're in Wellington visiting Katy's brother Andrew, his partner Marina (from Brazil) and a few friends. I think on Monday we also will go to the Thai embassy and will apply for a visa for me. This waterfall is called "Hooka Falls" and it was absolutely beautiful.

On the way to Wellington we passed by so many scenic places, but I was either too late to pull out my camera or I was asleep. This one is just a shot of the ocean from the bus.

At Katy's brother's place where we're going to be staying till next Friday. Finally, I have access to broadband, which is such and ordinary thing in Korea, but not as much here in New Zealand.
Note my cool tattoo.. haha~ It's still healing, so, I have to apply some antiseptic cream on it.

Okay, this picture should've been up there with other tattoo shots, but anyways, here Elton is drawing a design on my arm. I'm all smiling here because I don't know what kind of pain it will be later, especially when he gets to punch my skin with 3 needles on my collar bone... Still I'm liking it.. ^^
And you can check out his artwork on his website
This is the backyard of Katy's parents house in Rotorua. Ivanka now is the Queen of that house. It was so good to see her and the fact that she still remembered us after all these months.. It's just priceless...

First family gathering with uncles, aunts, nephews, neices, etc..

Bus stop in Rotorua. Arrived around 8 o'clock at night, and streets were almost deserted. Just a few couples-tourists taking pictures... Waiting for a pick-up.
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