Every time I read or hear of some blogger who has thousands of followers I get sort of inspired to start blogging, but then somehow it jsut dwindles down and gets forgotten.
Anyway, I decided that I'd try (yet again) to keep writing at least from time to time, so that later on I could read it and remember things because these days being very busy at work and with life in general, I catch sometimes myself not even breathing.
I was cranky during the past 2-3 days, which showed and caused certain reaction in the house. And since it's only me, Katy, Lennox and Kuzya, it's quite easy to figure out who's getting the most of "crankinness" (is there such a word?). Lennox and Kuzya, one's too young and the other's too animal to appreciate the bad moods, so, unfortunately, it becomes Katy... Sorry about that... You know deep inside, (okay not that deep, it's practically on the surface) I care about her more than one can possibly think knowing me.. Am I getting too personal and revealing?. Better stop here.. Ha~
I have a dilemma at work now, my assistance is immigrating to Canada, so, he's quitting, and now I have to find a new one. And it's such a hastle.. I'll have to train him again and tell what to do and not... urghhh... need some vacation time badly now.. maybe it's season change.. when everyone's getting mellow...
I have this hard-boiled egg left from the Russian Easter on my desk, and been thinking about whether to throw it out or just leave it until it rots from inside.. Why? Because Russian easter eggs are decorated very brightly..
Also, I figure, in my case I need to publish immediately after I wrote anything, if I'm to continue with my blog. Otherwise I just save it to look at or finish later, and when "later" comes I read it and delete it because then it seems nonsense.. So, that's what i''ll do from now on..
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